
„Perfect Properties zajęła się najmem domu dla mojej rodziny. Zlecenie zostało wykonane w bardzo krótkim czasie, solidnie i bez zastrzeżeń.”

T. Bowtell

„I appreciate in particular the fact that PP continued supporting us after the lease agreement had been signed and the house had been handed over to us.”

B. Hess

„Perfect Properties identified a number of potential properties, arranged viewings and finally negotiated terms with owners to our full satisfaction.”

R. King

„Thank you for your professionalism, attention to details and friendliness. It was pleasure to work with you.”

S. Shynkarenko

„Dzięki zaangażowaniu pracowników PP uzyskałem w sposób szybki i solidny prezentację interesujących nieruchomości odpowiadających moim oczekiwaniom.”

C. Shenoy

„Perfect Properties did an outstanding job in finding a house for my family in Warsaw.”

T. Laursen

„This company was recommended to us as a very professional in finding residences in the Warsaw area and they have proven they were right choice.”

P. Silva

„Flexibility and understanding of my needs makes me happy to recommend.”

F. Uszko

„Recommend to people looking for very flexible and responsive service in finding an apartment of good standard and in a good location.”

T. Rudel

„Very helpful in following up on various administrative matters even after our move.”

G. Johnstone

„I moved lots of times in my life and therefore I dealt with a lot of Agents. You are the best Agent I have ever worked with so far.”

A. Tosolini

„We ended up renting the very first house shown to us and have been extremely pleased with the accomodations.”


„We conclude all matters within a week.”

D. Ashmore



Perfect Properties spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością:

NIP 525-22-44-141

Regon 015214100

KRS 132501

Kapitał zakładowy 155.000 zł

Siedziba 02-908 Warszawa, ul. Czyżewska 3/1

Konto bankowe 74 1030 1582 0000 0008 0900 8002

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