Perfect properties

Apartment 75 m2, Warsaw Stary Mokotów 1 350 000 zł

House 300 m2, Warszawa Ursynów 4 950 000 zł

Luxury house 1 500m2, Warszawa Wilanów cena na zapytanie

Apartment 200 m2, Warszawa Ochota 2 400 000 zł

Penthouse 170 m2, Warszawa Mokotów 3 300 000 zł

Apartment 400 m2 with pool, Warszawa Mokotów 12 000 000 zł

House 350 m2, Warszawa Mokotów 5 800 000 zł

House 500 m2, Konstancin 7 200 000 zł

Perfect properties in Warsaw

For sale

Offices /commercial premises

For rent

Offices /commercial premises

For sale

Warsaw apartments with a view

For sale

Family homes in Warsaw

For sale

Plots in Warsaw

For sale

Investment opportunities


Unique estates

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Our clients

Clients about us:

"I was very impressed that this relationship did not finished after the contract was signed."

Coca-Cola Poland, S. Shynkarenko

Our team

Our company

1. Successful sale

– we carry out real estate analysis

– we examine the formal status and indicate ways to enable sale

– we increase the visual attractiveness of the property – we perform a photo session with elements of home-staging + we create a floor plan

– we build the added value of real estate – we indicate positively unique features

– we conduct effective real estate marketing – we cooperate with real estate agencies and relevant internet portals


2. Effective sale – faster and for higher price

– we conclude a brokerage agreement on an exclusive basis

– one real estate offer on the market means exclusivity, which gives you the opportunity to obtain the maximum sale price

– we introduce the offer to the offer exchange systems between agencies, which shortens the time needed to complete the transaction

– internet portals position exclusive offers very highly

3. Reasonable purchase

– we specify the needs, study the entire market and propose the right offers

– we indicate an architect who comprehensively helps with the maximum use of the property’s potential

– we ensure the security of the transaction (we assess the formal condition of the property and the text of the sales contract)

– we indicate the notary’s office





Contact us

Perfect Properties sp. z o. o.

NIP 525-22-44-141

Regon 015214100

KRS 132501

Seed capital 155.000 zł

Headquartes 02-908 Warszawa, ul. Czyżewska 3/1

Bank account 74 1030 1582 0000 0008 0900 8002

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